Simple Navigation and User-Centered Design

Creating a simple and intuitive navigation structure is an accessibility consideration that benefits all users, especially those with cognitive disabilities. Inclusivity goes beyond considering the preferences and behaviors of various user groups. For instance, senior users might prefer larger fonts, while individuals with cognitive disabilities might benefit from clear and concise language. By incorporating these [...]

By |2023-09-22T08:39:43-06:00February 4th, 2023|accessibility, assistive technologies|

Transcripts and Captions

Inclusivity involves catering to users who speak different languages or have limited English proficiency. A website might provide content in multiple languages to ensure a broader audience can understand the information. In this scenario, accessibility comes into play by providing accurate transcripts and captions for multimedia content like videos. This not only makes the content [...]

By |2023-08-18T07:28:41-06:00January 21st, 2023|assistive technologies, disablities|
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