It doesn’t matter how pretty something is or how it looks on paper; if it doesn’t work for the end users, it’s not useful.
I help businesses make their users feel at home. The work I do in user experience accessibility (UX A11Y) opens the doors to millions of people that otherwise can’t access your services, products, or even your career site (never mind trying to submit an application – try it with a screen reader and only your keyboard). Being intentionally more inclusive increases trust, sales, and customer retention. I am the user’s advocate, their voice, and a very honest and passionate person who will do what’s right. User experience includes design, development, research, analytics, and accessibility. I’ve lived every aspect of those fields and know the work involved in getting your digital ecosystem inclusive and compliant. I’ve had the pleasure of working with a wide breadth of companies and believe that no company is too big to fail and none are too small to be inclusive. While controversial, my focus isn’t to please the CEO or business owner, it’s to make the experience exceptional for the actual users. By being their advocate, we can better work together to make your products, services, and digital offerings better for everyone.
I try to pay acute attention to detail, ensuring that projects are completed to the highest standard. Things may take a bit more time, but they’re done right the first time.
I work with all aspects of technology to help establish your business, products, or services and help make your users feel as if they’ve known you for years. Building that level of trust takes a special person, and I’m on your side. My role is to facilitate the discussions and understanding between departments while identifying unique, time-effective, and efficient ways to achieve the near impossible. While there’s the right and best way to do something, there’s also the way that is best for right now to ensure the situation is addressed for the immediate need. This allows time to plan the ideal solution. This is especially important for WCAG compliance, ADA compliance, and 508 compliance (which are not the same thing). Fix the immediate issue while determining the long-term plan to prevent the issue from recurring. I’m able to talk with the parties involved and understand exactly what they need, then translate that so the marketing department, IT architects, developers, designers, researchers, analytics analysts, POs, PMs, executives – so everyone – understands the goal and their role to ensure success.
User experience and accessibility aren’t just for your customers. You also need to ensure your internal employees have a safe, inclusive, and accessible environment and culture to work within. I have helped establish an inclusive presence both for in-person and online experiences. Only once you understand your customer (and your employees) can you engage them and make them a true part of your brand while catering to the needs of all audiences with inclusive design.
Your business’s inner workings are just as important as your online and print presence. Agile business practices can help your staff work more efficiently and keep things moving smoothly in a way you can track. Agile projects are 28% more effective than traditional waterfall and can help save you time and money. I prefer a SAFe methodology that allows for pointing that makes sense across all teams (8 points per person per 2-week sprint), with a taste of Kanban to help get tasks done before new tasks are started. Limiting works in progress helps ensure better work and more efficient task completion. I help identify the skills available by all members so we can seek out the best person to complete the work, not just who is available.
Design isn’t just visuals, it’s everything about you, your brand, your company, your products. It’s your reputation and how it can be consumed by every sense. How it makes your users, your staff, your clients, and you feel.
Don’t make me think! That is every customer’s desire when they interact with your business.
Have you ever been to a website and not been able to find what you were looking for? How did that make you feel? I want to help your customers, your staff, your clients, and you avoid feeling that way. You want your visitors to feel empowered, smart, and in-the-know. Avoiding lawsuits and fines is just a bonus.
When your users feel smart, they are positive, and they trust someone who makes them feel good. I help you achieve that.
Is your business accessible and inclusive? Seventy-one percent of people will leave a website if they can’t find what they’re looking for immediately. A few simple changes can make your website accessible, intuitive, ADA and 508 compliant for disabilities, and inclusive for all gender identities. Did you know that even if your contracts don’t require it, and even if you don’t provide Federal services, your business and your services are still supposed to comply with the Civil Rights law for ADA compliance? I’ve yet to find a company that is fully ADA-compliant, and those fines can be steep. If you haven’t already, seek out someone to provide a full ADA compliance review of your business, software, and services – both for your customers and your employees. Avoid a lawsuit, and open yourself up to a whole new world of customers and potential employees.
A great inclusive brand makes people feel included, represented, and understood.
Use the form below, email at info@daniellefavreau.com, or text me at (314) 225-5881 (please do not call without texting first).
University of the People – Master’s Degree MBA (Human Factors and Accessibility Specialty) (2023)
University of the People – Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science (2021)
MIT – Media Arts and Science Bachelor’s Degree Course Study (OCW)
University of Manitoba, MB, Canada – School of Medicine
University of Winnipeg, MB, Canada – Bachelor’s of Science with Dual Majors in Biology and Chemistry and a Minor in German
Design Thinking Program – Advisory Board Member – University of Missouri
International Association of Accessibility Professionals – IAAP
- Examine 508 Compliance & Accessibility in Chrome Extensions – Project – 2022
- Psychology and Human Factors – University of Minnesota – 2022
- Emotional Intelligence: Cultivating Immensely Human Interactions – University of Michigan – 2022
- Testing for Web Accessibility with Accessibility Insights – Project – 2022
- Criminal Justice Information System Security and Awareness – FBI Web Accessibility – 2022
- Specialized Web Accessibility, Accessibility QA Testing, Document Accessibility, Accessibility Program Management, Customer Service for People with Disabilities, Native Mobile App – Deque University – 2022
- Organizational Leadership Professional – Northwestern University – 2021
- Interaction Design Professional – University of California San Diego – 2021
- Inspired Leadership Professional – Case Western Reserve University – 2021
- American Contract Law I – Yale University – 2021
- Accessibility and Inclusive Design – University of Illinois – 2021
- Organizational Leadership Specialization – Northwestern University – 2020
- Requirements Engineering: Secure Software Specifications Specialization – University of Colorado – 2020
- NIBRS Certification – FBI – 2020
- Agile Development Professional – University of Virginia (Darden) – 2020
- UI/UX Design Specialization – California Institute of the Arts – 2020
- Continuous Delivery and DevOps – University of Virginia (Darden) – 2020
- Professional Scrum Master – Scrum.org – 2018